Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lower East Side Food Access

The food access in the Lower East Side, specifically areas surrounding BHSEC, is very similar to the Bronx, judging by what we saw in the film “Bodega Down Bronx.” They are similar because both the Bronx and Lower East Side do have stores that offer a wide variety of healthy foods and fruits, but sometimes can be quite far away and a bit expensive. So they choose to rely on the nearby, relatively inexpensive bodegas, to supply food needs for themselves, and in many cases their families as well.

One of the obvious consequences of urban food insecurity is having health issues. Nutrition is key to good health, yet many struggle to maintain a healthy diet. This is because many living in the Lower East Side or Bronx have low incomes, and sadly their health has to suffer because of that. They prefer what is more affordable which usually means food of less nutritional value, since junk food is what seems to be the cheapest. Urban food insecurity can also have an effect on your mental health. When interviewing a student at Bard, she claimed that eating unhealthy food had a negative affect on her mood or attitude. She also claimed that eating unhealthily while under stress definitely does not help relieve it. Eating tasty and unhealthy food can maybe make you feel good, but this is just a temporary feeling. People need to think about how their health will be affected in the long run. However, it has been proven that making healthy choices in your diet does help reduce stress and has a positive effect on a person’s mood.

It would be great if stores such as whole food or fairway were closer to our school however their food can be pretty pricey. My ideal food access in the community would include having a variety of fresh and healthy food available in nearby stores, and the prices would not be so outrageous. It would also be great if more community gardens started planting food and made the garden, and the food they grow assessable to those in the community, just as BHSEC is hoping to do. People would be able to have easy access to healthy foods and they would know exactly where the food is coming from.

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